We’re halfway through August, which means summer is coming to an end, and people are trying to squeeze in as much fun as possible before the season changes. If you need a quick and cheap escape, why not opt for camping?
Everybody can benefit from fresh air and the great outdoors, but the idea of going out into the woods for a weekend can be pretty intimidating for individuals with wheelchairs. However, you shouldn’t let this fear keep you from doing something fun this summer. Camping with wheelchairs is absolutely possible for you and your family, as long as you know what you’re doing and prepare the right way.
- Do Your Research
As with any vacation, the key to more success and less stress is to prepare. It’s important to do thorough research, and the importance of this doubles when dealing with a disability. The good news is that most campsites these days are quite accessible for campers with disabilities. The bad news is that “accessibility” has many different meanings in different places. Some campsites may have all facilities geared towards disabled visitors, while others may simply have ramps. It’s important to do your research and figure out just how accessible they really are.
Tip for Camping With Wheelchairs: Don’t be afraid to call ahead and ask the tough questions. Most of the people working at campsites will have no issue telling you about the area.
- Know Your Comfort Zone
Many people have different ideas of a good camping experience. Some people are a bit more rugged and old-school and would prefer to do their camping with nothing but a tent that they pitch themselves. Others like the outdoors but would prefer a solid roof over their heads, hence the success of RVs and cabins. Some want to spend time outside, but aren’t ready to give up their usual level of comfort, hence the newest trend in the camping world — glamping (glamor camping).
Before going out into the wild, think about what level of exposure you are personally comfortable with and what would be easiest for you to navigate.
- Look into Camping Groups
If you would prefer to do your camping in a group setting and join a community, there are camping clubs that may be worth checking out. As with most clubs, there are plenty of different options that vary based on the type of people you want to be around. You could join a camping crew of single people, Millennials, location-based groups, or pretty much any other variable you can think of. You’d be surprised to see how many people there are that share your interests and are looking to connect with likeminded people.
- Overpack
While many people do this already, it’s never a bad idea to overpack. This is especially true for individuals who are camping with wheelchairs, as necessary items are a lot more noticeable if they are missing.
• Medications or prescriptions. Bring backups!
•Extra parts for your wheelchair
•Look into the campsite’s bathing situation and pack accordingly
•Don’t forget sunscreen and bugspray!
For all the stuff you’ll need, it’s important to have a vehicle that can reliably get you to and fro.Rollx Vans are built to carry not only you and your family, but also all the items you need for a fun weekend in the wilderness.
- Have a Plan
No matter how much research you do, it wouldn’t be a vacation without something going wrong. Although it may not be fun, try to think of every possible mishap and make a plan to counter it. Check out our blog post aboutPlanning for Emergencies on the RoadRollx Vans for more tips on camping with wheelchairs and resources on finding the best accessible transportation option for your trip.