Accessibility Problems of Ridesourcing

In the past 8 years, mobile technology has exploded in the consumer market.  With around 64{4484a610ba12ad46baec767347073917e486819a83b2d744ced0feda89144e79} of adults having smartphones, it’s changed the way people live their lives.  As long as you have a data signal and some battery life, it seems you can do just about anything with a few taps of your screen. Read more…

A New Zealand Man is Working on a Hands-Free Wheelchair

Steering a wheelchair while while carrying objects is a challenge that any wheelchair-user knows all too well. When a person needs his or her hands to hold something while simultaneously steering where the chair is going, it requires a bit of jostling back and forth. Not surprisingly, it can sometimes become a bit frustrating. Over Read more…

DC Makes a Big Push for Wheelchair Accessible Taxis

Public transportation isn’t generally known for comfort.  More so, it’s there for convenience and affordability.  When a certain type of public transportation fails to accommodate a certain type of person, it quickly loses all convenience. While city buses and trains have (in some cities, at least) made large strides towards wheelchair accessibility, vehicles such as taxis Read more…