The Spectacular Anthony Steele

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Veteran, Husband, Father, Christian, Veterans Service Organization  Regional Director, and Cowboys Diehard.

“God has a plan for all of us no matter what. We can’t alter his plan. Only he can. Let His will be done. We may not accept it at the time, but we have to turn around and think that’s God’s will”, Steele said. Anthony Steele is a prime example of the indomitable human spirit.

Anthony was a tanker in the U.S. Army during the 1980s. While he was preparing to be transferred to Germany, he was involved in an accident that resulted in paraplegia on April 15th, 1983. After this life-altering event, Anthony leaned on his Christian faith and family.

While rehabbing at the VA Spinal Cord Injury Center in Augusta, Georgia, he encountered a veterans benefits service officer for a national veterans service organization. “When I first came in contact with that service organization’s service officer, the first thing he said to me was [Anthony] don’t worry about anything we are going to take care of you.” This first meeting prompted Anthony to join as a member but he wanted to make an even bigger impact within the organization. “I had time to really think and knew I was put in a position to help others”.

After entering the veterans service organization as a member, Anthony was a volunteer service officer for five years. When he returned home to Alabama, a friend informed Anthony of a position opening at the organization. His mindset to help those who needed it most continued. “You know how it feels to be lying in a hospital bed; so you want to help those individuals and our veterans who need it most,” he stated.

His job as a national service officer was exactly the opportunity he needed to help others. “The job of a very good service officer is to listen to the veteran, then review the veteran’s claim folder, show them what help they are entitled to, and finally put together their claim to ensure they get those benefits.”

In 2015, Anthony was promoted to the Central Region Director for the veterans service organization overseeing 22 national service offices. “I make sure that our mission is carried out – and that is making sure that the veterans we represent are taken care of as well as their dependents.” He continues to tell veterans the message that he was once told, “Don’t worry about anything we are going to take care of you.

“The most important part of my job is making sure my clients are taken care of. No client is left behind.”

Anthony’s kind heart and care-for-others mentality has never faded and still holds strong. “You see disabled veterans who all have challenges and my mindset has always been that I want to help those who need it most,” he stated.

Anthony grew up in Crenshaw County, Alabama, where he was the youngest in a family of 12. He grew up in a very religious family and has been strong in his faith ever since. He joined the Army in an early entry program at 17. “Several of my friends and I came up with a buddy plan to join the military, so we could get out and serve the world.” When looking back on his military experience, Anthony is thankful. “My time in the military made me a better person and a better man,” he stated. Anthony met his wife, Washalyn Annette Steele, in the early 80s through a mutual friend. “It was really like love at first sight.” They have one daughter. Anthony loves Alabama football and the Dallas Cowboys, the team he has been a diehard fan of ever since meeting Tony Dorsett in the 1970s.

Today, Anthony and Washalyn live happily in Alabama. They have season tickets to the Dallas Cowboys – traveling to AT&T Stadium for every home game. “Don’t die and go to heaven before you become a Dallas Cowboys fan”, he joked.

Anthony continues to serve the our nation’s veterans and their families, God, and his family with love and compassion. “I will continue my faith in God and I am a strong believer that he will make things work out regardless of the circumstances”. Anthony continues to help veterans navigate the system and obtain the benefits and care they are entitled too.

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